Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Cerita Kuliner Cook: Tim Telur, Makanan Sehat untuk Si Kecil - nuraisya blog

Hai hai, jumpa lagi di bagian memasak. Seperti biasa mau berbagi resep yang mudah dan praktis secara yang nulis juga kurang bisa masak hehehe. Resep kali ini "Tim  Telur" termasuk resep yang sehat dan lembut jadi aman untuk dikonsumsi oleh si kecil (untuk bumbu penyedap bisa digantikan dengan gula).

Dari tampilan sekilas bisa dilihat kalau tim telur ini lembut dan yummy banget
Bahan-bahan yang harus disediakan

  • 4 butir telur ayam 
  • 1 ons daging ayam cincang 
  • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus 
  • 1/2 batang wortel import, iris dadu halus 
  • 1/4 gelas air putih 
  • garam sesuai selera 
  • bumbu penyedap jamur sesuai selera (boleh diganti atau tidak dipakai)

Cara Membuat:

  • Kocok semua telur di dalam mangkuk hingga rata
  • Campurkan daging ayam dan bawang putih yang sudah dicincang, potongan wortel ke dalam kocokan telur, aduk hingga rata.
  • Tambahkan bumbu dan garam sesuai selera.
  • Tuangkan air ke dalam adonan, aduk hingga rata.
  • Kukus adonan tersebut hingga matang, +/- 25 menit
  • Angkat dari panci kukus, Tim Telur pun siap dihidangkan...

Tim Telur siap dikukus langsung dengan wadah LOCK&LOCK karena aman dan tahan panas
Bagaimana? Mudah kan, mau tau apa yang bikin semua kegiatan masak ini jadi lebih mudah lagi? Semua kegiatan masak-memasak tadi menggunakan wadah dari LOCK&LOCK Oven Glass Steam Hole mulai dari mengaduk semua bahan, mengukus tim sampai dengan penyajian. Jadi tidak perlu banyak mencuci juga (ketauan deh kalau malas). Selain itu ada beberapa poin plus dari wadah LOCK&LOCK Oven Glass Steam Hole yang menggunakan Heat-Resistant Glass ini, seperti:
  • Tidak akan pecah dengan sendirinya karena perubahan suhu. Tidak seperti Tempered Glass (kaca tempa biasa) yang rentan pecah sendiri dan jika pecah menimbulkan banyak kepingan kaca.
  • Bisa digunakan dalam microwave, oven dan dishwasher, karena terbuat dari bahan boroseal (boron trioxide dan silicon dioxide) yang tahan pada suhu panas dan suhu dingin dalam waktu bersamaan.
  • Berat lebih ringan sekitar 10% dibandingkan dengan Tempered Glass.
  • Permukaan akan tetap bening dan tidak akan menjadi keruh berkabut bila sering digunakan atau disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang lama karena kandungan Na2O atau Natrium Oksidanya rendah.
  • Tutup terbuat dari silikon yang aman ketika dimasukkan ke dalam microwave hingga suhu maksimum 200 derajat Celcius.
  • Terdapat steam hole untuk sirkulasi udara saat dimasukkan ke dalam microwave, sehingga makanan tidak akan kering dan cita rasa makanan tetap terjaga.

Selamat Makan! Langsung disajikan dalam wadah LOCK&LOCK, cantik kan?
Tampilan LOCK&LOCK semakin menarik dengan tutup berlubang udara yang imut
Yak, sekian sesi masak-memasak kita hari ini. Semoga resep Tim Telur ini bisa bermanfaat, terutama untuk yang lebih peduli dengan gaya makan yang sehat. Salam dari dapur Novi, sampai jumpa di lain waktu dengan resep-resep praktis berikutnya... bye... ^.^

Jumat, 13 Februari 2015

Cerita Kuliner SUMOBOO! @ Mal Central Park - nuraisya blog

Today I will bring good news with me, a new Sumo Boo! just open. Now we can enjoy these yummy and delicious treats at Mal Central Park, pretty convenient for those who like to shop here. The new outlet located at 3rd floor next to Ikkudo Ichi accross Gramedia book store, it's hard to be missed. On my first visit here the decoration's not perfectly finished, but Sumo Boo!'s style with the round bulbs and leaves, woods, green and yellow colors already on. Probably not as fancy as it's predecessor at PIK, but the design still thick with Japanese cuteness.

Sumo Boo! Mal Central Park
Side seats
There's more seats at the back
Back seats
While here, I include the neighbour Sumo Boo! at Mal Taman Anggrek. As the act of many positive responses since it first appearance at Pantai Indah Kapuk resulting with new outlets including this one.

Sumo Boo! Mal Taman Anggrek location
Sumo Boo! Mal Taman Anggrek
Still with round bulbs on ceiling
Japanese style painting
The kitchen, where all the magic done
Cute drawing of the famous menus
Okay, let's move on to the menus I've tried there. From the main dish 'till the super deadly delicious desserts.

Buta Naked Ramen
IDR 38.000
Naked Ramen, spicy noodle with various level of spiciness, I usually choose level 5 or 10. The numbers may scare you at first but relax level five here actually means level 1 and ten means level 2, yup all the levels multiplied by five. The noodle is a bit different from ordinary noodle that always come with broth, this one a bit dry with a sunny side up, nori slices, any topping you like (the picture above is buta or pork, non halal) and a piece of lime to squeeze on top. Many opinions come for the taste, some of them think the taste a bit strange. But for me, it taste just great with it's own way and always eat it to the bottom.

Unagi Donburi
IDR 58.000
Donburi, steamed rice with a sunny side up, nori slices and topping eel cooked with soy sauce. Pretty similar combination like the ramen only noodle replaced with steamed rice. The eel taste great, mild and juicy.

Tori Popcorn Naked Ramen
IDR 38.000
Another version of naked ramen, this one with tori popcorn as the topping. Small chicken chunks fried with seasoning and dough.

Spam Donburi
IDR 35.000
And this one is another version of donburi, the topping called spam. What is spam? That is the first question we asked to the waiter. Spam made from sausage slices that grilled with minced meat (non halal) on top of them, suitable for those who like stronger taste.

Black Milk Tea
IDR 18.000

Peach Juice Yakult
IDR 21.000

Hot Nutella
IDR 29.000
From all three drinks we tried, I recommend Hot Nutella of course since I'm a big fan but then again they all tasty.

Kakigori 5: Nutella Bomb + Chocolate Mountain + Sliced Almond
IDR 40.000
Finally to dessert, my favorite part since Sumo Boo! obviously famous for the desserts. The first one is Kakigori, or so we called it shaved ice. The combination for Kakigori 5 as described above, here you can try their famous nutella bomb, a mochi with nutella explosive inside that always freshly made every couple hours to keep the taste as good as it gets.

Mixed Pudding + sliced almond
IDR 23.000
Elderly's favorite, since they're soft not so sweet and of course delicious. This one is the most simple combination of pudding, various flavored pudding with sliced almond and a cup of milk sauce.

Sumoboo Dessert 5: Bomb Ball + Big Boba + Mochi + Ice Cream + Red Bean + Pudding + Taro
IDR 35.000
Onto my favorite dessert above all desserts at Sumo Boo! Just remember this combination, Sumoboo Dessert 5, you won't regret it. I love every parts of them, the soft ice cream (default green tea, you can change when ordering), mixed pudding, bomb ball, big boba, mochi, taro and red bean forming a perfect flavor combination in my mouth. A must try!

For the ice cream, beside the default Green Tea flavor you can choose Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry or Red Bean
*All the prices above are subject to 10% tax and 3% service charge

And then there were none...
Our stomach are full, the bowls all empty now is time to wrap up my review this time. Like I always mention, the review are all made on my personal taste. So you should go and try for yourself to find your own favorite that should be a bit difficult since they all great. Bye for now ...

Mal Central Park
Lt. 3 ED1 No.6 (accross Gramedia)

Mal Taman Anggrek
Lt. 4 Blok E25